Queensland Dahlia Society
Queensland Dahlia Society was formed in 1933 and is arguably Australia’s oldest continuous specialist dahlia club. Since then members have been promoting our Dahlia flowers at displays and exhibitions at many locations around metropolitan Brisbane. the Granite Belt and north-east NSW.
Members are kept informed of society activities via a quarterly news letter. Before the show season begins we hold a field day in one of four dahlia exhibitor regions on a rotational basis. Visitors attend prominent grower’s gardens on the Granite Belt, Toowoomba, northern Brisbane/Gold Coast and Coorabell in north-east NSW where cultural practices are demonstrated and explained. We have a “How To” publication specific to Queensland conditions available for new growers. As well senior members are always keen to provide mentoring assistance.
Australian raised dahlias are grown and shown worldwide and Queensland breeders have contributed to this situation by being prominent in this field. Cultivars bearing the Bracken, Moray, and Downs prefixes are amongst the winners throughout Australia, USA, UK, and NZ. Recently new prefixes, Granite, Stannum and Coorabell have appeared boosting the supply of quality local cultivars.
Show Dates
Show dates in Queensland and Northern New South Wales are listed on our Facebook page
Tuber Sales
Quality tubers may be purchased from the Queensland Dahlia Society annual tuber sale held in October. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for full details.

Skyline over Brisbane